Slide #1 image

Slide #1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis sagittis enim. Maecenas ligula erat, egestas congue, varius nec, sagittis nec, purus. In neque.

Lorem ipsum dolor

Have fun with slides!

These slides can contain anything a webpage can! HTML, Javascript, images, flash or whatever! They're completely easy to edit and add to as well, no need to bother editing or even going anywhere near some confusing Javascript files, simply add a <div></div> tag with your slider content to the "slides" contain - it takes just seconds to do!

These slides work using the absolutely wonderful lightweight jQuery plugin jFlow, originally written by Kean Loong and modified by both Mauro Belgiovine and spyka Webmaster. The script has been licensed under the open source MIT license, so feel free to play around and modify it as much or as little as you wish!

Slide #3 image

Slide #3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis sagittis enim. Maecenas ligula erat, egestas congue, varius nec, sagittis nec, purus. In neque. Curabitur at metus tincidunt dui tristique molestie. Donec porta molestie tortor. Fusce euismod consectetuer sapien. Fusce ac velit.


Introduction to vertex

Welcome to vertex, a free premium valid CSS & XHTML strict web template from ZyPOP. This template is completely free to use permitting a link remains back to Should you wish to use this template unbranded you can buy a template license from our website for 8.00 GBP, this will allow you remove all branding related to our site, for more information about this see below.

This template has been tested in:

  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • IE
  • Chrome

Buy unbranded

Purchasing a template license for 8.00 GBP (at time of writing around 12 USD) gives you the right to remove any branding including links, logos and source tags relating to ZyPOP. As well as waiving the attribution requirement, your payment will also help us provide continued support for users as well as creating new web templates. Find out more about how to buy at the licensing page on our website which can be accessed at

Lorem lipsum

Morbi fermentum condimentum felis, commodo vestibulum sem mattis sed. Aliquam magna ante, mollis vitae tincidunt in, malesuada vitae turpis. Sed aliquam libero ut velit bibendum consectetur. Quisque sagittis, est in laoreet semper, enim dui consequat felis, faucibus ornare urna velit nec leo. Maecenas condimentum velit vitae est lobortis fermentum. In tristique sem vitae metus ornare luctus tempus nisl volutpat. Integer et est id nisi tempus pharetra sagittis et libero.